Activities | Science | Robotics and electronics


Electricity safety


This activity aims to alert participants to the dangers associated with electricity and introduce preventive behaviours and solutions. 

After a first theoretical part including discussion, participants apply a questionnaire to IPT students and staff on the levels of awareness of the academic population on this matter. Once all the questionnaires are completed, they create a table with the results. 

Activity duration:

  • theoretical part; 1 hour
  • discussion:  30min
  • practical part: 1 hour 


  • projector;
  • projection screen;
  • computer;
  • multimedia presentation of the topic;
  • sheet containing problems to solve;
  • discussion notes sheet
  • questionnaire

Safety precautions applicable to electricity:  The electrical supply we receive in our own homes or in public places is a commodity we can no longer live without thanks to the wide range of services and comfort that it brings to our daily lives.  Electricity is a product of undeniable usefulness but has some risks that should be avoided for the sake of health and wellbeing.   Here are some of them:

  • never pull an appliance by the supply cable or hose;
  • take special care when using electrical appliances in the bathroom, prefer battery operated devices;
  • never put metallic objects such as knives and forks in plugged-in electrical appliances;
  • do not use appliances with damaged electrical cabling; to prevent electrical shock, wrap insulating tape around the cable joints;
  • do not plug in or unplug with your hands or body wet;
  • do not plug many appliances to the same electrical socket;
  • do not stand close to fallen electricity poles;
  • do not climb a tree without ensuring it is far away from electrical wiring;
  • do not throw away objects into areas with electrical wiring.




Activity instructors: Manuel Barros and Carlos Ferreira (UDE)

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