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"The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size."
Albert Einstein
The Academy for Science, Art and Heritage - AcademiaCAP - is an educational project whose activities focus on establishing a constructivist view of child and youth education in areas such as Science, Technology, Arts and Heritage. AcademiaCAP is a unit within Instituto Politécnico de Tomar.
The project created by AcademiaCAP aims at introducing a series of measures intended to disseminate Science, Culture, Art and Heritage among youngsters. With the cooperation of the polytechnic's scientific community it promotes initiatives on priority training topics. This is a broad effort to promote scientific and artistic culture as a tool to stimulate the learning process.
Head of AcademiaCAP: Cristina Costa (Professor from the mathematics and physics department - UDMF - within IPT)
AcademiaCAP video recorded over the Christmas holiday break - December 2013